Thursday, July 10, 2014

To our adolescent angel...

Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember you are only a day over twelve.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember that being a teen doesn't require you to act like a grown up, nor require you to stop cuddling with your stuffed Stitch doll.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember you are only a day over twelve.
You'll feel older.
People may expect more or less.
Be you anyway.
Be thirteen.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember that the reflection in the mirror is never what determines your worth. Never.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember that no friends,
no cute boys,
no judging eyes,
no tv show,
no youtube video,
no Hollywood starlet nor reality tv hottie determine your worth.
God does.
You are a beautiful and perfect reflection of Him. He gave everything for you already- just as you are.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember to be a child, only a day over twelve. God desires a child-like heart from us all. Bask in childhood. It is fleeting.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember to listen to the people around you. People who've lived longer have many rich stories to tell. Appreciate wisdom. Learn.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember you won't ever cease being our princess. You are a child of the only King.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember you are loved,
you are wanted,
you are needed,
but you are not the center of the universe. God is. Keep Him there.
Tomorrow when you turn 13, remember you are our baby.
When we look at you, we see a bundle of pink fluff and tiny gentle fingers.
We see an obstinate toddler refusing to hold our hands.
We see a pea hater.
We see a music lover.
We see a questioner of the status quo.
We see a justice seeker.
We see a faithful champion for Christ.
We see you, our baby, our thirteen year old.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

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